When You Have the Right Corporate Culture

Emphasizing a strong culture across your organization is extremely useful and crucial for achieving several benefits of business success. However, only 12% of executives believe that they are driving the “right culture.” If you’re looking to know what it looks like when a company has the correct culture, here are some indicators.

Talent Retention

When people love where they work, they won’t want to leave. Businesses that exhibit the right culture will reap the benefit of retaining employees much longer. This means companies don’t have to spend valuable dollars on training, hiring, and acquiring new talent. Those who are already skilled and a great fit are more likely to stay with the company for much longer than those who aren’t.


Companies can expect complete transparency of information between employees, managers, and those higher up in the organization with the right culture. The clarity of the company values allows for everyone to understand what is expected of them and encourages information sharing across the organization. Often, excellent transparency and information sharing will lead to more efficient operations.

Workplace Involvement

Employees will become more involved and engaged in what’s happening around the office when supported by an influential corporate culture. When people feel like they connect with a company’s mission and values, they will put more effort into showing that they also care about those values and the mission. The right corporate culture will bring better attendance to company events and outings and better creative projects and plans.

Successful Atmosphere

The right company culture will encourage its employees to help inspire and motivate each other to always reach for success and better results. Employees will act as a true team; they will continuously check on others to offer support, suggestions, or help. Businesses will optimize their ability to achieve success when a supportive team works together to support its goals.


There is no need to micro-manage your employees when you have the right company culture. The right culture will give employees the right tools to be successful and promote trust amongst the organization’s members. When employees feel trusted, they are often more likely to act responsibly and take on tasks with more responsibility.

Want to achieve this level of operational excellence within your organization? At ActionCOACH Houston Inner Loop, we help educate and give business owners the necessary tools and strategies they need to become successful. Contact us today, so we can help you better identify and enhance your current culture to make the most of the benefits. 

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