Phase 3 - Learning

In our previous discussions, we explored the crucial steps involved in planning and executing a successful business strategy. Today, we delve into the equally important phase of learning. This phase ensures that we create a feedback loop that incorporates valuable insights from the execution phase and any missed planning elements. By being adaptable and continuously learning, we enhance our chances of achieving long-term success. Let's break down the learning loop phase into three distinct components.

1.  Building Learning into the Plan:

To kickstart the learning loop, it's essential to incorporate learning into the initial planning stages. This can involve resource allocation, such as dedicating a team or individuals to focus on learning and strategy selection. For instance, in marketing, we can assign specific team members to handle social media marketing, direct marketing, or other execution strategies. However, it's not enough to simply repeat what has worked before. To achieve the best results, we must explore new approaches, seek out learning resources like books or courses, and embrace innovation.

2.  Structured Meetings for Review and Feedback:

Structured meetings play a vital role in the learning loop phase. Although some may not always favor meetings, having fixed agenda meetings ensures that we review our actions, learn from them, and feed those learnings back into our plan. These meetings provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of certain activities. Should we double down on what's working exceptionally well? Or should we pause, gather more insights, and seek guidance before revisiting a particular marketing activity? By incorporating structured meetings into our routine, we maximize our chances of success. It's advisable to establish a regular cadence for these meetings, whether weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on your business's needs. One effective approach is the Action Review method, widely used in the military and various successful companies.

3.  Future Learning Activities:

To ensure continuous growth and improvement, we must not stop at executing an activity after learning enough to get started. Instead, we should allocate resources and time to future learning activities. As your team expands and individuals specialize, you'll notice specific skill sets emerging. For example, someone might excel in digital marketing but struggle with the social aspects. Recognizing these strengths and weaknesses allows us to allocate resources accordingly, ensuring optimal results. By fostering specialization and ongoing learning, we elevate our business's overall performance.


The learning loop phase, the third stage of our business plan, is a crucial element in achieving consistent success. By incorporating learning into the planning stage, conducting structured meetings for review and feedback, and allocating resources to future learning activities, we create a feedback loop that drives growth and adaptability.

If you're seeking more consistent ways to integrate a learning loop into your business strategy and execution, don't hesitate to reach out to us at We offer complimentary calls where we can discuss the learning loop phase, provide you with valuable tools, and help set you on the path to achieving your goals.

Remember, continuous learning leads to continuous success.

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