Building Systems - Where to Start: Tips to Streamline Your Business Processes

Building systems and documenting processes are crucial for the success of any business. Many business owners understand the importance of implementing systems to streamline operations, enhance training, and maintain consistency. However, they often struggle with where to start and how to begin. In this blog post, we will explore some effective techniques and tips that I've learned over the years while working with various businesses. Let's dive in!


Save Your Self, Time, Energy, & Money with Systems:

The concept behind building a system is to save your self, time, energy, and money. By putting our processes on paper, we create a valuable resource that can be utilized repeatedly for employee training, ensuring consistent workflows, and facilitating audits. An effective and detailed system allows businesses to scale and grow efficiently.

Top Three Tips for Building Systems:


1.  Location, Location, Location:

Choosing the right location for your system files and documents is crucial. Many business owners make the mistake of keeping their systems on their hard drives, limiting accessibility and hindering progress. Whether it's SharePoint, Google Drive, Dropbox, or any other cloud-based platform, ensure that everyone in your organization can easily access and utilize these resources. This enables seamless collaboration and efficient workflow management.


2.  Start with the Customer Experience:

When documenting processes, always begin with the customer experience. Start from the initial inquiry or order placement and follow it through to a satisfied customer leaving a

five-star review. While there are numerous processes within a business, focusing on the one that drives revenue is paramount. Visualize this process by creating a process map or swim lane map, which provides a comprehensive understanding of the steps, sequence, and interactions involved.


3.  Involve Others:

As a business owner, you may have a good understanding of your processes, but involving others is essential. Collaborate with individuals who are directly involved in the process and seek their input. Their perspectives and insights will bring valuable nuances to light that may have been overlooked initially. Start with a first draft and refine it based on their input, ensuring that all the effective yet undocumented elements are captured on paper.



Building systems is a process in itself, but the benefits are worth the time and effort invested. By implementing effective systems, you can save time, energy, and money while driving your business towards success. These tips provide a starting point for streamlining your processes and creating a solid foundation for growth. If you're interested in learning more about building systems in your business, we offer a free Systems review. Reach out to us at [website] to book a call and receive a customized plan to help you implement these strategies and overcome any other organizational challenges you may be facing.


Remember, building systems is not just about documentation; it's about transforming your business for long-term success. Take the first step today!


About the Author:

This blog post was written by Andrew Buchan, your Business Accelerator. With years of experience in helping business owners build systems, Andrew has developed proven strategies to drive success in the business world.

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